Monday, February 23, 2009

Thirteen Years

Photo Credit: Anne Geddes

Thirteen years ago today, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was a cold but beautiful sunny day. I woke up about 7:00 am starving as usual. Because I'm short, there was really nowhere for my internal organs to go so they just got squished by the baby. Consequently, I would go from starving to full in about 3 bites.

I went to the bathroom, then headed to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. When I sat down to eat, I didn't feel very good. My stomach had that queasy feeling but since I was starving I felt like I needed to eat. About 5 minutes later I felt like I peed on myself a little. LOL anyone who has had a baby knows this is not out of the ordinary, but since that hadn't yet happened to me, I was mortified.

After going back into the bathroom to clean up, I decided to go lay back down for a while. I started having mini contractions so I called my girlfriend and told her that I thought that I was maybe in labor. She was still in bed so she told me to call her back when I knew for sure and hung up!

The contractions started getting a little stronger, so I decided to give my doctor a call. As I was waiting on the phone I was pacing the floor, walking back & forth. When I went to sit down on the bed my water broke - Oh shit! Yep, I'm in labor.

The dr. told me not to rush to the hospital, take my time and he would see me in a while. I called my girlfriend (she was my ride and birth partner) and then got in the shower. After shaving my legs, putting on some makeup and fixing my hair, we finally left for the hospital.

Just a few hours later with one girlfriend taking pictures and the other cutting the cord, we welcomed my little sweet boy into the world.

I love you my son. Happy 13th Birthday!


clnmike said...

"After shaving my legs, putting on some makeup and fixing my hair, we finally left for the hospital."


Well as long as you got there looking fresh.

Curious said...

You see this is why if I was the father we would have broken up then and there. In fact if I was you father I might have disinherited you. As a man I would have been a nervous wreck and all I could see you doing is hair and makeup like we're going to an award show. One of us would have had a stroke, and I'm not sure it would have been you.

Despite this, congratulations to you and your little man and if he's anything like me at that age, trouble's coming.

RunningMom said...

ClnMike: People like to take pictures and shyt when you are giving birth, I had to look presentable!

Curious: lol @ you having a stroke! It all worked out in my favor. I stayed relaxed whiched helped my labor along. I was already well into labor by the time I got to the hospital which made it a shorter process. I want to say I got there at 10:30 am or so...and had him at 1:52 pm - I was home by noon the next day!

Dave Van Buren said...

lmao@you shaving your legs. I'm kinda bitter I didn't get to cut the cord when my daughter was born. I was there and they didn't even ask me!

Darius T. Williams said...

Such a great birth story - really.

My cousin though - she's like a sister to me. Well, she's in Target when her water breaks. She goes and uses the hand dryers that you use to dry your hands after you wash dry herself off. Then she finishes her purchases - goes home to shower and change clothes - and then heads to the hospital. I'm - really?

Anonymous said...

I am cracking up at the fact you shaved your legs. I wish I was that relaxed. My contractions started at 1am. She was born at 9:13am.

Anonymous said...

oh Yeah Happy Birthday to your son.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Big Guy!!! You're a teenager now!!! Take it easy on Mama though. Teenagers can be ruthless sometimes...

And Mama, stories like yours always bring tears to my eyes. I remember every birth like it was 5 minutes ago. And always will...


One Man’s Opinion said...

Happy Belated. Nice story. My old partner sent me pictures of his new baby boy. The pictures said happy birthday, chase. The very first picture is a picture of the birthday cake for the new born (cute, right?). The next one was a picture of the kid, fresh out the womb. Not cute. I'm still tramatized.

RunningMom said...

SuperDave: Aww that sucks! You were cheated and robbed! Only.. it is kinda gross... so maybe not.. lol. Perhaps with the next one.... ;)

DTW: Ok.. so I was under the impression that once your water broke that was it. So I changed my clothes. Then more gushed out. So I changed my clothes again. Then more gushed out. You get the picture. Apparently it doesn't really stop, it just keeps coming. After the 3rd outfit change I just grapped a towel and said lets go!

B&T: Yeah, I'm that way when I go to the gyno too.. everything has to be shaved and pretty.. lol

GirlCas: I remember most of it... some is a little fuzzy.. lol. He's a teenager alright. Swears he is moving out by next year... lol

OneMan: LOL!!! OMG That is so funny. You can't be sharing the "fresh out of the womb" pics with everyone..They are scary! I'm sorry you got traumatized baby!

uglyblackjohn said...

I was waiting for your next story of what goes on between your legs but I wasn't expecting THIS!.

(Happy Birthday, to your son)

RunningMom said...

UBJ.. lol @ you! Nothings been going on between my legs lately...unless you want to hear about B.O.B....

Trelly said...

Ok how is it that you can withstand the contractions and still concentrate on styling your hair. I knew women were warriors but damn...lmao!