Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Joys of Motherhood...

I am a worrier.

When I was pregnant, I worried that I would miscarry.

When he was born, I worried that he would die of SIDS.

When he had colic, I worried that I would have a nervous breakdown.

The worry never ends.

My son experienced a lot of changes in 2010. My mother, who was his go-to person for 14 years - left. Moved out of state 12 hours away for another grandbaby.

His dad who stopped us from moving and swore he would step up to the plate and be the dad he was supposed to be...sold me another book of unkept promises.

I always had my mom to help out, be the 2nd parent when I needed to be in two places at once or needed to work late or had a function. Now I have just me.

He went from middle school to high school. Tough transition for a lot of kids I'm sure. But we also moved 30 miles from our hometown, away from neighborhood friends, away from our familiar places to go, away from the place he grew up.

His dad disappeared again. We know where he is - he just doesn't participate.

My son is fast approaching 15.

Now I worry that he will make the wrong choices.

I worry that he is depressed or sad or lonely.

I worry that he will decide it was just too much change to deal with all at one time and look for an escape.

I worry that his sudden lack of effort in school will stunt his growth as a person, creating a domino effect that will change his entire future.

I worry that I'm not going to get through to him until it's too late.

Motherhood is not for the weak-hearted.

Single motherhood of a 15 year old boy...

I'll tell you, this is why parents want grandkids so bad. They want to go back to the easy days when the biggest worry was running out of goldfish crackers or grape juice.

It's the biggest worry and the most joyful experience all at the same time. When he's happy, I'm happy.

I just wish I knew how to motivate him.


Curious said...

Sometimes you can't motivate someone. Sometimes all you can do is show them and allow them to find the motivation for themselves. As for bad choices, of course he'll make bad choices, we all do. Just make sure he has enough guidance to know when he's making them or at least know how to overcome them.....I know easier said than done, but then that's your job.

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back!!!
I'll do the best I can to offer my support
Love, Cas

RunningMom said...

I made him an appt with a counselor for Saturday. Hoping that some young adult male perspective will help him out some.

He came home from school today happy & excited because he was far enough ahead to assist some other kids in biology with getting their lamb heart projects done. I'm glad he is finally getting involved and up to speed with school. It took being put on academic probation to get him there - but if it works, it wil be so worth it.

GirlCas!!! Missed you lady! I don't know how you do it with three teens! Help! lol!