Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Spy With My Little Eye....

What can you tell about a person from looking in their cupboards?

I made fried chicken last night - it was sooo good but since a girl has to watch her figure, I only make it a few times a year.. here's a pic:


uglyblackjohn said...

That you cook. My cupboards are filled with "instant" everything. My fridge with microwave goods.

Darius T. Williams said...

Hmmm- chicken looks good. You trying to start a food blog ova here - lol?

RunningMom said...

UBJ, lean cuisine cooks for me a lot... lol. I aspire to cook, I can cook, but do I actually cook... not as often as I would like. Guess looks can be deceiving ;)

DTW, thanks! That means a lot from the Master Chef ;) but no - not starting a food blog, just sharing my skills to prove to the world that I actually can cook. I might start a scrap book of successful meals so that I can catch me a husband.... think that fried chicken would do it? LOL - I'm so kidding.

One Man’s Opinion said...

So, what does your cupboard say about you? That you are organized?

And what is up with just the few peices of chicken, every now and again? LOL

RunningMom said...

OneMan, that's a good question, lol! I think it says that I aspire to cook but rarely do. That box of cake flour has been in there since last October when I made a German Chocolate cake from scratch for my friends birthday. That cake was SOOO good!

DTW got me started on taking pictures of my food... lol.

Mr.Slish said...

Why did i come over and look at this food an hour before LUNCH! ...Stomach grumbling and pointing at that CHICKEN...

RunningMom said...

Slish - You seem to have a knack for coming over here hungry! Now go get some lunch before you starve to death!

Darius T. Williams said...

LOL - that fried chicken will do it! It used to work for me. Maybe my fried chicken ain't that good any more - lol.