Monday, January 5, 2009


Regarding a previous post, Curious said: "Okay, I don't know if you take requests, but if you do I need to get a post that will expand Random Things #5 because I couldn't read anything further. I need to know how it came about, when you decided to get it, is it more for aesthetics or does it have a physical appeal and to round it all up, will there be more? You should know you can't leave a brother hanging like that when he's only slightly on this side of freaky. Oh and for a bonus points, you can tell me how you feel about men with Prince Albert's, yea or nay. I've been thinking of ... well lets just say I've been thinking"

Since I seem to have insomnia tonight... consider your request granted. For those of you still reading.. the following will likely be TMI and sexually graphic in detail. If you are still reading... consider yourself warned!

Random things #5 said: "I have a piercing below my navel and above my knees"

It came about because like many women, I have a hard time reaching the big "O" with just intercourse. I can get there with help from manual stimulation, oral stimulation, vibrating stimulation, etc. but not from intercourse alone. Even though this is extraordinarily common, I felt like perhaps there was something I could do since I felt like getting me to orgasm was such a production. Guys get there so easy, it's damn frustrating.

I started my research and from all of the things I read, the vertical hood piercing was reported to produce fantastic stimulation during intercourse. My sister-in-law already had a horizontal hood piercing that she really liked, but also wanted to get the vertical piercing.

I was dating someone at the time and thought I should ask him what he thought first. Ha ha, I shouldn't have been concerned! He happily gave his blessing and off we went. The two of us went to a reputable tattoo/piercing place where my SIL got her first one done. First we picked out the gauge of barbell. For this type of piercing, the barbell is curved like this:

We both picked the smallest gauge. She went first and told me I could watch him pierce her. We were in a small very clean room that had a table like at the doctors office. He had a jar of new sharpies, gloves, sterile needles and other items. First he put on gloves then took out her other piercing, cleaned the area and used a new sharpie to mark where the piercing would go.

Then he took a hollow tube in one hand and placed it under the hood of her clit (very few people actually have their clitoris pierced.) With the other hand he prepared the needle using the hollow tube as a guide. One quick movement and the piercing was complete. He then followed the needle with the barbell, screwed on the ball and she was good to go.

My turn!

Since I am a woman and have had a baby, having a guy pierce me was not really a big deal. Many a strange man and woman have seen things on me that I have only witnessed via hand-held mirror.

So the process was the same for me, new gloves, new sharpie, new needle, new tube, new barbell, etc. 1, 2, 3, OUCH!! Shit that hurt! Anyone who has had anything pierced knows that burning hot sensation that you get with the pain... this was no different. It felt like my clit was on fire!

The pain lasted about 3 hours and then it was only a twinge here and there.

So... that was 4 years and 4 boyfriends ago... So far no complaints from any of them, lol. I can't feel it when I am just walking around or anything, it does help with stimulation a little, but really not enough that I would do it again. My SIL on the other hand said that hers gave her way too much stimulation so she had to take it out. I don't think she ever got the other one put back in.

I like the shock factor it gives when someone I am dating finds out there might be more to me than meets the eye... ;)

Other than that one and my ears, I don't have any more piercings. I have considered having the gauge changed to see if that made a difference, but I don't really think it will. I have no plans to get any more!

As for men and Prince Albert's, it's really not my thing. I wouldn't want my man to get a piercing on his penis. That probably sounds super hypocritical, lol. Even though I consider myself to be open sexually and up for experimentation, I generally don't like the look/idea of body piercings, and think that for me, this was more of a functional piercing rather than just for aesthetics.


D.J. said...

Oh so this is that kind of blog huh? lol...

As a man it is hard for me to reach the Big O just thru intercourse (even though it is man 2 man)I have found my nipples to be very helpful in that regard and have often thought about having them pierced,but there is the chance of losing all feeling in them and I just can't take that chance.

I have also seen quite a few PA's in my time. They just don't really move me.

Dave Van Buren said...

I can't imagine someone stabbing my dick. That shit is crazy. I'm sure piercing is a nice surprise though.

Darius T. Williams said...

Hey - I need your e-mail - can you e-mail me regarding the Bloggers' Book Club?

Anonymous said...


I have a very high tolerance for pain as anyone who has suffered through gall stones, spinal taps, nearly ten pound babies and one very big penis would prove...but a piercing down there? Let's just say I applaud you for your bravery my dear girl : )

We certainly are a nutty bunch aren't we?


RunningMom said...

DJ: Well not usually, but Curious asked nicely :)

SuperDave: lol @ dick stabbing. Yeah, we don't want that.

GirlCas: lol @ one large penis. Those are a killer aren't they? Yes to all the men wondering WTF? right now. There is such a thing as "too big"

Jazzy said...

lmao @ Dave!!!!

I have to say you wrote this very tastefully.

I have a high tolerance for pain too, but I just can not imagine a hot needle piercing my flesh down there. Even still, my ears perked the hell up at the possibility of increased pleasure, but it sounds like it didn't make that much of a difference.

One Man’s Opinion said...

Happy New Year, Mommy. I was going to, I was going to, but I just could not read about your reaching the Big O.

RunningMom said...

Diva: It really wasn't that bad, I would tell you if it was! Lots of people think it's the best thing ever. I like it... since writing this post I have been reconsidering getting a different gauge ring.. the thought if it being even better has me thinking!

OneMan: lol - chicken! Just read it!

clnmike said...

Hell no!

I cant imagine any pain on my joint, I dont like it when it's held the wrong way.

Curious said...

Damn, what is it they say about being careful about what you wish for? I just picked myself up off the floor after reading this from a near death faint.

I guess the piercing worked out in some ways but not in others. Funny how sometimes life is that way, huh.

Anonymous said...

Okay, now you've sparked my interest. But I don't like pain. Eventhough I've had a baby and have two tattoos.

RunningMom said...

Mike - LOL @ you - so sensitive! Play with it nicely :)

Curious - So.... did you like the story or no? Still think that you might want to get one?

B&T: - If you can have a baby and get two tattoos you can get a piercing ;)

Curious said...

RunningMom, I liked the what you said. It was matter a fact and slightly clinical and without the drama, but it still made me squeamish. There were times when I had to look away from the screen while I was reading it even though there were no pictures or videos to to look away from. In fact now that I think about it, the whole process was drama.

As for a Prince Albert for myself, I think after 2 or 3 years of thinking about it, I will just stick to looking at my Prince albums before I let someone stick a needle in me down there. Plus no one seems to go for it anymore.

RunningMom said...

Curious: You mean you didn't click on the picture links!?!?!? Oh, you need to check those out.. lol

Curious said...

Now I'm even more speechless.

Anonymous said...

I think Curious may need therapy after your posting baby : )

And thank you for your encouraging words on my post. Now I dont feel so alone : )

Rashan Jamal said...

Yeah, remind me not to read this at work again. LOL

I aint gonna lie I skimmed it (since people like to shoulder surf), but I have to say ain't no way anything is being inserted down there for me.

tiltedhalo said...

I've actually thought about getting this done, but after reading this here:

1, 2, 3, OUCH!! Shit that hurt!

It felt like my clit was on fire!

On fire?! I have a very low pain tolerance level, so maybe I'll let that little thought just wane away. LOL

RunningMom said...

Tilted: lol @ you.. It really wasn't that bad..if you can tolerate getting your ears pierced, this was about the same.